Saturday, August 13, 2011

'Gram of the Week (4/4/11 - 4/10/11)

Elfayed is the manager of a 99¢ store in Uniondale, NY. Born on a farm near the Nile Delta, Elfayed is an Egyptian journalist for a leftist publication back in his home country. These past few months, there has been a flurry of activity in the Arab world, that started with Tunisia, then escalated to Egypt, Yemen, Syria, and beyond. The President of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak resigned two months earlier in mid-February.

Having just returned from a family reunion in Egypt, Elfayed has been writing furiously about these events, while trying to manage the store and tend to his family here in the States. He's safe here, but he wants to be part of the action. The internet allows him the immediacy of the news, while maintaining a safe, protective distance.

His wife, Edie, looking for a little distraction on his Birthday, ordered a chicken to show up and sing about how his ambition is to be an "interrupter" for the United Nations! Also, he almost flubbed his immigration interview when he insisted that Cream of Mushroom was his wife's favorite "soap".....uhhhhhhh, that's "soup", Elfayed!

Unless his wife feels that Cream of Mushroom leaves her skin feeling softer than Dove, Caress, or Irish Spring. "Manly, yes, but I like it, too!"


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