Thursday, August 25, 2011

'Gram of the Week (5/23/11 - 5/29/11)


Chadwick (how's that for a name?)......sounds like entitlement, like Thurston Howell III, but Chadwick is from Arkansas and he's a terrific, down-to-earth kind of guy. He just made one mistake a couple of years ago. He followed some young gal up to New York from Arkansas and then promptly got arrested for a DWI.

Not too long after that, the relationship went south. But not Chad. He had to remain here, on probation and couldn't go anywhere. So he made good use of his time by working hard and completing his college education in Brooklyn.

His good friend, James, back in Arkansas, sent a congratulatory telegram of a singing cow, now that the probation period had expired, leaving Chadwick to go wherever his wanderlust would take him. Apparently, the reference to the cow has to do with some unprintable college prank Chad pulled back home in Arkansas.

Most people will add on balloons or flowers with the singing telegram. But not James. His warped sense of Arkansas humor deemed it necessary to add a a bottle of Johnnie Walker Black to the delivery.

A little of the hair of the dog that bit him!


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